Put It On the Menu

8 Goals of Children’s Ministry: Spirit Empowered

by David Boyd / October 11, 2017

When leading a classroom of kids, and entering into the altar period, the following thought entered my mind. Let the five-year-old sit in the corner of the altar area while I pray with the bigger kids to be filled with the Spirit.  This thought obviously wasn’t from the Lord.

The Holy Spirit certainly knew my thoughts. While I was busy praying with the older kids at the center of the altar, the Holy Spirit was busy filling the five-year-old in the corner. Suddenly, with tears streaming down his face, he began to speak in a beautiful prayer language. I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me: “Don’t ever think someone’s not ready for this gift.” I learned that this gift is for all kids of all ages to help them grow deeper in the things of God.

The 8 Goals for Kids of the Assemblies of God features eight elements which should be included regularly in the spiritual diet of the children in our churches. Yet, the one goal that many teachers seem just a bit afraid to teach is for kids to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and to be Spirit empowered. Because of this fear, this one goal is left off the kids’ spiritual menu. With Kidmin leaders not including this instruction on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, their kids have to wait until kids’ camp before they can be offered this portion of their spiritual diet.

There’s no need to fear, however. Acts 2:39 states, “The promise is for you … and your children” (NIV). If God didn’t want children to receive this gift, He wouldn’t have said so. Here is an easy recipe for sharing this gift with your children:

Talking Points:
  • This gift is for every Christian—to help them grow in God.
  • This gift is free.
  • This gift is for those who ask for it.
  • This gift comes with power to better live for God.
  • You will know when you have received this gift when you begin to speak in an unknown language, like the disciples.
These five points can be shared in any class at any time. Encourage your kids to pray at home to become baptized in the Holy Spirit, and set aside time in your class schedule for children to receive this gift as well.
Share with the kids how you were baptized in the Holy Spirit and how excited you were after having been filled. Have others in your class share their stories. When children are baptized with the Holy Spirit, let them tell of their experience as well.

Once your kids are Spirit filled, begin to tell them about the empowerment that comes from the gift. Explain about praying for people by the laying on of hands and praying either in English or their prayer language. Explain about listening for God’s Spirit as He tells them things they should do to help others. As they read their Bibles, ask God for supernatural wisdom to understand what they are reading. Let the Spirit guide them as they tell others about Him and lead people to Jesus.

Cindy heard the Spirit of God say to her, When you get home, clean the house. Your mom has had a bad day. When she sees you have cleaned the house, tell her I told you to do so and that it will all be okay. That is exactly what she did. She cleaned the house. Mom came home crying. Mom saw the house was cleaned and asked what was going on. Cindy explained the message God had given her, and together they wept, prayed, and believed God.

Cindy had been used in the gift of knowledge. This is one of several gifts a Spirit-empowered child will receive. God had given her a bit of knowledge, followed with an instruction. By following God’s instruction and sharing what He had said, Cindy really blessed her mother.

Put it on the menu—the goal of “Spirit Empowered Children.” Let kids taste the goodness of God through His gift—the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the life of power that follows. Your kids will be changed by doing so.

Matthew 3:16 declared of Jesus, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (NIV). The goal of Spirit empowerment includes the initial physical evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit, but more importantly to reveal what the Spirit-empowered life looks like for every believer today. Kids should have a solid biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit and a confidence that He will empower them for daily life. They should know how to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit and be willing to obey.

Want to explore additional goals for your children’s ministry? Visit our 8 Goals for AG Kidmin.

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