Steps to Building a JBQ Budget

The B Part of JBQ: Bible & Budget

by Todd Papendick / October 25, 2017

Where will you find the money to pay for that? My grandfather might say, “Go dig it up out of the backyard.” Some people think money grows on trees. For the rest of us, we might need to make a budget. The key to any budget is communication.

As the leader of your ministry, you must know the vision and goal of your pastor. Junior Bible Quiz should be an integral part of the children’s ministry of your church. When you and your leadership are on the same page, there is mutual support in your ministries. This includes financial support from the pastor and the church for JBQ.  

It is important to communicate with your pastor. Be sure your leadership is aware of your vision and aspirations for JBQ, and be specific in sharing your plans with your pastor so he can demonstrate support. An uninformed pastor cannot possibly support you with time or money. 

Share your vision with the families in your program. Just as you and your pastors have “teamed up” to advance the church, you need to harness the synergy of the families in JBQ. When the parents know where JBQ is going, they will be likely to support the program financially. Be specific in the expectations from the families in JBQ.  Let them know about registration fees, outings, tournaments, and year-end goals. The parents cannot possibly support what they don’t know. You need their investment of time and money. JBQ is a family ministry which only works when committed families are invested.

What does a JBQ budget look like? I can help you with ideas for a JBQ budget, but I cannot help with the maththat’s your job. Your budget should be a monthly budget. This will help you break things down, while also helping your church with its monthly budget. You should put all potential expenses into your budget. Here is a five-step example:

Supplieswhat you need for JBQ
  • Buzzer setThis is probably your biggest expense.
  • Bible Fact-PaksYou need a Fact-Pak for each quizzer (study guides or cards). CLICK HERE for a comprehensive list of JBQ materials. 
  • Office supplies—paper, pens, and pencils (yes, budget this).
  • CandyKidmin must have candy on hand.
  • Prizes—You need to set small, attainable goals for the children and reward them in some manner.
  • Parties—Have fun together.
Registration Fees
  • District/league—Every team must register with their district (there is always a fee for this).
  • Extra tournament(s)—Are you going to a tournament? If you plan to go, budget for it.
  • Postseason tournament(s)—Is this your goal? If so, budget for that, too.
Quiz Trip Expenses
  • Food and hotels—You must communicate who is expected to pay for this. In my opinion, each family should pay for this expense. Parents are usually expected to cover their child’s room and board.
  • Travel—church van or car pool? Try to keep your team together to increase camaraderie.
  • JBQ leaders’ expensesDoes the church pay for ministry leaders? Or since this is your ministry, do you pay for yourself? Communicate with your lead pastor on this!

Miscellaneous ExpensesGive yourself a cushion by building miscellaneous expenses into your budget.

IncomeThis is where communication is important. What can you expect from your church and the parents? If you do not have a money tree, then be creative. Do a fundraiser. I would suggest fundraising outside the church and not asking for more help from the members of your church.

Finally, expect God to bless your ministry. He loves you (John 3:16) and loves children as evidenced in Luke 18:15,16. God wants to demonstrate His love for you by blessing you in every way, especially in your JBQ ministry.