Keith Applegarth
Lutherville, MD
Keith has expressed his passion for seeing children find, and grow in, their own faith experience through 20 years as a full-time Children’s Pastor in three local churches. Prior to that he spent 2 years as a full-time Children’s Evangelist, and continues to use those experiences in leading District Kids Camps, Crusades, Vacation Bible Schools, Missions Trips and Outreaches and many more opportunities to reach children with the Gospel. His experience includes: training kids for outside ministry; kids choir; puppet ministry; drama/human video; Kids Fine Arts; set design & construction for musicals/VBS; overseeing Sunday School, RR & Girls Ministries; and training adult & youth support staff. Beyond the local church Keith was a Residential Supervisor for 3 yrs at Bethany Children’s Home. Keith is a graduate of Zion Bible College and holds a Master’s of Science from SAGU.